To Enroll or Not to Enroll

System Administrator Tuesday 02 of March, 2010
It big decision time. The deadline for Enrollment at the Stanford Center of Professional Development (SCPD) is March 24, 2010. That's 22 days. Yikes! The Spring 2010 course schedule can be found at the link below:

SCPD 2010 Course Schedule

These course are real courses. Good Courses taught by world class professors. Don't mistake on-line course for easy courses. Expect to send like three hours a week on lectures and about 20 hours a week with reading and home work. These course will make you work like you worked in grad school. It will be hard but your brain will thank you. After working for a long time, it takes a while to get back into shape and learn like that. It's amazing how much we forget.

I've taken

All the course were really good but may favorite was the Organic Semiconductor course. So you can imagine my excitement to hear Alan Heeger give one of the lectures at the 2009 MRS Fall meeting workshop on 3rd generation solar cells. It was just superb.
