

Physics courses

System Administrator Friday 30 of July, 2010
There are two physics courses available online via Academic Earth. Two courses of interested were taught at Stanford by Leonard Susskin and are described below. The first course has a section on quantum mechanics.
    • Foundations of Modern Physics (57 lectures!)
      • This Stanford Continuing Studies course is a six-quarter sequence of classes exploring the essential theoretical foundations of modern physics. The topics covered in this course focus on classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, the general and special theories of relativity, electromagnatism, cosmology, black holes and statistical mechanics. While these courses build upon one another, each section of the course also stands on its own, and both individually and collectively they will allow the students to attain the "theoretical minnimum" for thinking intelligently about physics. Quantum theory governs the universe at its most basic level.
    • Modern Theoretical Physics (17 lectures)
      • The old Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics associated with Niels Bohr is giving way to a more profoud interpretation based on the idea of quantum entanglement. Entanglement not only replaces the obsolete notion of the collapse of wave function but it is also the basis for Bell's famous theorem, the new paradigm of quantum computing, and finally the widely discussed "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics of Everett. This course consists of parts I and III of a three part, year-long course series, but each course stands on its own and serves to look at some of the basics of quantum mechanics, entangement, Bell's theorem, elements of quantum computing, quantum teleportation, and similar material.