

Generating interest in math, science, and building stuff

morreale Tuesday 23 of November, 2010
The Aviation Week & Space Technology issue on innovation indicated that many countries including the US are falling behind on producing enough engineers for our future needs. Getting an advanced degree can lead to a beneficial and fulfilling career and is so important in getting ahead. To help generate interest in math, science, and technology design, I propose creating a cable TV channel and supporting web site running 24 hours a day with ad free programming to teach design of all kinds to kids of ages 1 to Ph.D that provides both theory and a hands-on approach. The programming might include intro to DIY math and science, DYI Nano, DIY Nanobio, intro electronics, prototyping for everyone, fun with chemistry, crystal making, machining 101, aircraft design 201, model building, rockets for newbies, programming for prototypes, and quantum mechanics for teens as some examples. The programs would be live action, animated, or reality based. Programming could be created in collaboration with, for instance, Pixar, DreamWorks, Disney, Discovery Channel, PBS, the technical societies (IEEE, ASME, ACS, APS, etc.), government labs, NASA, DARPA, industry, and funded via donations, industry, and government. The programming could be coordinated with hands-on projects at some of these new hacker spaces. The general theme of the channel would be build it, break it, make it better.